Day 6 Perfect Steak

I skipped yesterday! There I said it…. whew.

I have a feeling it won’t be the only day I miss, but I’ll try not to. I felt like every ounce of my energy was used yesterday, including a dinner out with some friends I don’t regret! So when it was time to sit down and blog, I had nothing left.

That’s the beauty of a discipline though right? You have to push through even when you don’t feel like it!

So here I am pushing through. 🙂

This is a super random post but today I made the perfect steak! We have the hardest time making the perfect steak around here – but these turned out amazing.

Seems like everyone’s into the reverse sear, where you bake the steak first, then sear. Well today I seared first, correction, I watched a youtube video first!, then seared, then baked! I used a meat thermometer (which might be cheating) but it was the perfect pink, the perfect flavor and the perfect crunch on the outside. I am very picky about a good steak so I was proud of myself for trying something new.

Humble brag today I guess. Haha!

I forgot to take a photo of the finished steak but here’s what it looked like all seasoned up!


Day 4 Corona & Jesus

It feels good to get my blood flowing and heart rate up! Truth be told, 15min is not enough of a work out, but even in just a short amount of time, I usually have to pause it once or twice for Nala – so as you can see, working out from home includes a lot of interruptions! 🙂 I also really like workouts with a timer at the top of the screen counting down until it’s over, haha!

I wanted to take some time today to write about Corona Virus because that is the hot goss these days! Is it too hype? Is it not hype enough? There are very few of us, but my husband and I lean toward the “not hype enough” side. We’re not after fear and we don’t believe everything we see on the news but deaths are happening in the city next to us. The city we take our son to therapy to 5 days a week.

I’m amazed and how quickly people say, “well those people are elderly and have health complications already,” as if we have nothing to worry about.

Since when is a 50 year old in America elderly?

And also…. the elderly can hear us dismissing them to save ourselves.

Jesus talks about the “least of these,” the vulnerable in our society very differently than we do. And it makes me sad. I think he would be saying something very different about how the Corona virus affects those people and be less concerned about what inaccurate hype he could be bringing to the rest of us.

He would be elevating their lives and bringing dignity to their humanity.

I believe the Christian community has an opportunity to actually live the fearless life we say we have because of Christ.  But I often find that Christians are actually really scared while talking about not spreading fear, the ones getting into political battles online over SICKNESS, and in self preservation mode. Shouldn’t we be the ones who are loving our neighbor, staying kind and not in frenzy, upholding the lives of people no matter who they are and coming against a self preserving culture?

When we went to Cosco a couple weeks ago to stock up on food because we knew the shelves in our urban area would be empty soon, I just kept thinking; I wish we had more money so we could buy enough food if our friends and neighbors need it. And then I remembered, even if we don’t have enough – there’s always something we can do, even if it means we give sacrificially or it’s uncomfortable, there’s always something we can do to show love. And honestly, the ways of Jesus are just that, to give not out of our abundance but to do so with that we have, even if it’s not much.

Stay healthy friends!

Don’t be afraid. But take this seriously.

Take heed to the advice of the CDC.

Wash your hands.

Call your primary care doctor if you have been exposed to someone with Corona or if you are experiencing symptoms.

Quarantine yourself if you have autoimmune issues, breathing problems of any kind or feel vulnerable to sickness – or you’ve been exposed to someone diagnosed with the virus.

Pay attention to the news while using discernment.

Don’t allow our society to give you another reason to isolate yourself if you don’t need to. Community can still exist in a time like this.

Call your pastor if you need prayer 🙂

And take the opportunity in a time of crisis to adhere to the ways of Jesus!

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Day 2 Workout Injury

It wasn’t me who got the injury, it was my daughter!

Nala is learning to crawl and still a little wobbly. Especially on the hardwood floor where it’s more slick than carpet.

It was time to do push-ups in this particular 15min workout I chose on youtube and as soon as we went down for the push up, I hear her face plant on the floor! WAS SHE TRYING TO DO A PUSH UP?! I honestly don’t know because I wasn’t watching her, I was doing a push up!

It didn’t sound good and she cried hard! I quickly grabbed her and held her and paused the workout.

Weird thing is, this morning when I went to get her from bed, she had a little raspberry mark under her eye like she face butted the side of the crib or something. This girl! Thankfully she’s okay!


It’s been interesting raising Nala after Obi’s diagnosis of autism. We really have to choose to ENJOY this age with Nala without being afraid that she too will get this diagnosis. For instance, sometimes she shakes her head in a way that makes me think she’s having a sensory processing thing and I have to remind myself that babies do that, even if it is a sensory thing and that can be normal. I watch her like a hawk sometimes. I notice every little thing she does or doesn’t do and I have to step back and say, “Amreitha, don’t miss these days you’ll never get back with her as a baby because you’re looking through the lense of ASD.” It’s okay to watch for the signs, we should, we need to. But it’s not okay to live in fear.

This morning I put on the polk a dot onesie you see in this photo and Nala kept looking at her arms observing the colorful dots and immediately I thought, “Wow! You actually notice those and are being so aware. You must not have autism.”

Can siblings get autism? Yes. We have friends who have multiple children on the spectrum. Honestly, I can’t even imagine.

So we continue to take it day at a time. Loving on Obi and giving Nala a chance to be Nala, in all her princess-like uniqueness!

When Obi was diagnosed a really close mentor friend of mine said that autism does not define Obi. It does not define our family.

While I believe that is true, I’ll be honest and say, it has felt like the most defining thing of our lives the last 2 years. Doesn’t mean it’s true, but the reality of our lives often feels like it is. More on that later.

How blessed we are with our two kiddos tho! I’m thankful to have the opportunity to be a mom! I adore Obi and Nala and already spent too much money on Nala’s party….shhh don’t tell my husband!


2020 Blogrimage Day 1

Today starts the 2020 blogrimage! My husband created the blogrimage years ago and here we are still challenging ourselves each year for 1 month to something! Last year, I was 10 days away from having my baby girl so I decided not to participate.

This year I decided participating in the blogrimage is exactly what I need to take some steps forward in areas of my life that have been on hold.

After giving birth to Nala almost a year ago, my personal routines went out the window and I focused on routines for my kiddos. I didn’t necessarily mean to do that but 5 weeks after a c-section and still healing, we had our very first venue change for our church and I co-preached with my husband 3 services! I loved it but looking back on all that chaos, I realized some of the personal routines I value really never got started again. And honestly, this past year with a baby and a little boy with special needs, I gave myself the grace to “do the best I can and be okay with that.”

The challenges I chose to do for this blogrimage are a baby step. Like, these are things most people are already doing, but hey, baby steps it is!

I am going to do a 15 min work out each day in my living room! And challenge myself to do a little more writing since that’s what the blogrimage is. I’m also challenging myself to do a bit more reading as well this month but if I’m honest, I may or may not write about that.

Why a 15min workout? Because 15min is about the time I have before my kids need something. I can do it on youtube at home! And honestly, where I’m at….15min is bearable, motivating and I can accomplish it.



My final thought for today is….

When I pulled up and dusted off my blog for today, the first thing I saw was the very last post I had posted from over a year ago. It was the one I wrote when we decided to go public with Obi’s diagnosis. God has been faithful. My thoughts have come so far from that post. My heart still feels shattered. But over and over this last year I’ve seen the hand of the one who made my little boy on his life in tremendous ways.

Happy blogging everyone!